
If you're looking for some help with using SPARK you've come to the right spot!

On this page you will find:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is SPARK?
SPARK is FPA Australia's new online engagement platform. It allows you to communicate with other professionals in the fire protection and fire safety industries.

SPARK allows you the opportunity to:

  • Network with other members,
  • Raise and discuss technical issues with other members of the industry, and
  • If you are involved with FPA Australia’s committees, communicate with other members between meetings.

Do I need to be a member of FPA Australia to access SPARK?
Corporate members of FPA Australia get access to some exclusive content in SPARK but there is also some content available to others also.

What are "communities"?
SPARK is structured around "communities". A community in SPARK is essentially a group of people who share a common interest. For example, there is a Bushfire community for those in the fire protection industry who have an interest in that topic.

It is entirely up to you which communities you participate in.

There are private communities as well as 'open' ones. For example, each FPA Australia technical committee has a private community in SPARK which only committee members have access to. There are also a range of open communities where anyone is welcome to join and participate.

I'm on one of FPA Australia's technical committees but I can't see the relevant private community?
Please ensure that your FPA Australia membership is current and, if it is, please contact our membership team to investigate why this is the case. If your membership has expired then your access to the community will also be removed (until you renew should you choose to do so).

Is there a way to view all communities on SPARK including private communities that I do not have membership to?
No, members are only provided with access to the open communities and any private communities they are a member of.

There are a large number of communities, such as those for our Technical Advisory Committees. As such, to make navigating the Communities pages easier, private communities you are not a member of are not visible.

How do I join a private community?
If you are a member of a group under FPA Australia, such as a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), you will be automatically added to the private community for that group.

If you are not a member of this group, you need to contact FPA Australia to identify the process to apply for membership. Different groups have different application processes, as such, it is best to contact FPA Australia for information on the process relevant to the group/private community you wish to join.

How do I leave a community?
To leave an open community, go into the page for that community and click the “Settings” button next to the name of the Community” then click on the “Leave community” link.

Note, you will be asked to confirm whether you wish to remove your membership from the community. Click ok to confirm your removal.

You can always re-join an open community after you have left.

Please note, private communities are managed by FPA Australia. Therefore, if you wish to leave a private community, please contact the relevant staff member that looks after the group that the private community is for. E.g. for Technical Advisory Committees, contact the Technical Services team.

Can I create a new community?
Currently, communities can only be created by FPA Australia. This is to keep discussions focused and easy to find. However, if you think it would be worthwhile creating a community for a specific area of interest, let us know as

Can I change the email address or notification settings once I’ve joined the committee?
Yes, see the SPARK User Manual for detailed instruction (specifically Sections 9.2 and 10.1).

Can I turn off all email notifications?
Absolutely. Simply go into your email preferences in your profile.

How do I update my password?
Your Connect login details are used for access to SPARK and these details can be easily updated using the "Forgot password?" instructions in the SPARK user manual (See Section 3.2.1).

Can I login using my company's login details?
No, you need to login using your individual login details so that you can fully participate.

Where can I get more help?
Please refer to the SPARK User Manual for more detailed information on SPARK and how to use it. If you cannot find the information you are after there, please don't hesitate to

SPARK User Manual

An in-depth guide to SPARK has been provided in the SPARK User Manual.

This document provides a thorough guide to the features of SPARK, how to participate and how to manage your settings.

If you are looking for further information than the above FAQ, please refer to this manual. If you still cannot find the answer you are looking for, please don't hesitate to contact us.